Dongliang Chang (常东良)

Postdoc, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

🔭 I am currently a Postdoc in the I-Vision Group at Tsinghua University, working under the supervision of Prof. Jiwen Lu. I received my Ph.D. Degree at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Zhanyu Ma and Prof. Yi-Zhe Song. Moreover, I enriched my research experience as a Visiting Ph.D. Student at SketchX Lab. of the University of Surrey between 2022 and 2023.

👨‍💻  My research interests primarily revolve around the field of fine-grained visual understanding.

📫   How to reach me:

🌱   "a good paper is always a good paper, no matter it is accepted now or later" -- SonG

Latest News

Otc, 2024

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology! (SCI, CCF B, Impact Factor: 8.4).

Sep, 2024

Awarded the Gansu Province Natural Science Award (Second Class, 4/5)!

Sep, 2024

Two papers accepted by ACCV 2024!

Aug, 2024

Selected for the BSIG2024 Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award!

Jul, 2024

One paper accepted by ACM MM 2024! (CCF A Top Conference).

Jul, 2024

Sponsored by the Postdoctoral Fellowship Program of CPSF (B-level, 1,000 postdocs annually).

Mar, 2024

One paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 24.314).

Mar, 2024

One paper (Creative Sketches) accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing! (SCI, CCF A, Impact Factor: 10.6)

Feb, 2024

One paper (DemoFusion) accepted by CVPR 2024! (CCF A Top Conference)

Dec, 2023

We're thrilled to announce a major milestone for our open-source project, DemoFusion: We've just surpassed 1,000 stars on GitHub! 🚀 [Star History] [PDF] [Code] [Projet Page] [Demo Video] [Online demo]