TEMI: Human-Like Evaluation without Humans Leaderboard

paper code

To counter the notorious lack of reproducibility of perceptual studies, and in turn to make a sustainable direction out of our “AI for Human” effort, we propose a quantitative metric, namely Transferable Effective Model Attention (TEMI). TEMI acts as a crude but benchmarkable metric to replace large-scale human studies, and therefore allows future efforts in this direction to be comparable to ours. We attest the integrity of TEMI by (i) empirically showing a strong correlation between TEMI scores and raw human study data, and (ii) its expected behaviour holds for a large body of attention models.

CUB-200-2011 Leaderboard

Update this leaderboard

Method Venue Year Improvability Specificity TEMI Code Visualization
DFL [1] CVPR 2018 59.53 38.63 46.83 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
NTS [2] ECCV 2018 67.16 28.11 39.63 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
PC [3] ECCV 2018 68.80 29.63 41.40 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
DCL [4] CVPR 2019 64.77 36.14 46.39 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
CrossX [5] ICCV 2019 61.14 28.04 38.44 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
CAL [6] ICCV 2021 67.11 29.77 41.24 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
PMG [7] TPAMI 2021 67.85 29.28 40.90 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
DeiT-B [8] ICML 2021 59.40 37.74 46.16 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
Lime [9] SIGKDD 2016 65.81 33.05 44.00 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
IEBB [10] ICCV 2017 65.77 36.28 46.76 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
IntegratedGrad [11] ICML 2017 51.38 37.62 43.44 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
SmoothGrad [12] arXiv 2017 47.44 39.77 43.27 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
IBA [13] ICLR 2019 60.79 31.13 41.17 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
CVE [14] ICML 2019 65.29 38.09 48.12 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
INTER [15] CVPR 2020 60.79 40.04 48.30 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
PathwayGrad [16] CVPR 2021 57.45 30.25 39.64 [Pytorch] [Visualization]
Ours [17] arXiv 2021 70.52 71.54 71.03 [Pytorch] [Visualization]


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